How to Catch Chickens: 6 Easy and Effective Methods!

Catching a chicken may seem like a simple task, but it can be quite challenging if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are a few techniques that will help you out greatly on your next round of chicken catching. So how do you catch chickens?

Some of the easiest ways to catch chickens include:

  1. Using a Net
  2. Luring them with Treats
  3. Cornering them
  4. Using a Hook
  5. Using a Box
  6. Letting them Roost

In this article, we will go through each of the methods and when you should attempt one or the other depending on the situation at hand. For instance, is the chicken inside or outside of the pen?

1. Use a Net

One of the easiest ways to catch a chicken is to use a net. This is one of the most effective ways to catch a chicken that’s gotten out of the coop. You can purchase a small fishing net or a butterfly net, or you can make your own using a mesh bag and a stick. Simply wait until the chicken is in a confined space, such as a coop or a fenced-in area, and then use the net to gently scoop it up. Be careful not to hurt the chicken in the process. The one in the picture is my fishing net. I really like the rubber netting because the chicken doesn’t get caught in them nearly as much as the string nets.

2. Lure Them with Food

Chickens love food, and you can use this to your advantage when trying to catch them. Place some treats or feed in a small container and hold it out in front of the chicken. As the chicken approaches to eat, gently scoop it up from behind with both hands. This technique works best if you’re trying to catch only one or two chickens at a time. I highly recommend pairing this method with all of the other methods. Giving chickens feed or a treat is a great way to keep them preoccupied while you’re attempting to catch them.

3. Cornering the Chicken

Another easy way to catch a chicken is to corner it. If the chicken is in an open area, try to slowly approach it from behind, and gently push it into a corner or against a wall. Once the chicken is cornered, get ready because the fun is about to begin. This technique works best if you’re trying to catch a chicken that’s alone or if you’re only trying to catch a few chickens. I usually pair this with my hook or net to make it an easier task.

4. Use a Hook

If you need to catch a chicken quickly, using a chicken hook can be a good option. Approach the chicken from behind and gently hook its legs right above the feet with the stick and start to pull the chicken to you. At this point, the chicken will start flapping trying to get away. When the chicken tries to get away its leg will get caught. Rest assured, this will not harm your chicken. If you don’t have a fancy chicken hook, just get a metal clothes hangar and take it apart and fold one end back while holding the other end.

5. Use a Box

Catching chickens with a box is another effective method. To do this, you will need a sturdy cardboard box that is large enough to fit over the chicken. Wait until the chicken is in a confined space, such as a corner or against a wall. Place the box over the chicken, making sure to leave enough space for the chicken to move around inside. Once the box is in place, use one hand to hold it down while you reach in with the other hand and gently pick up the chicken.

You can also use a long stick or broom handle to guide the chicken toward the box before placing it over the chicken. This method is particularly useful if you need to catch multiple chickens at once. Just be sure to use a sturdy box and handle the chickens gently to avoid injuring them. I personally don’t use this method myself because the hook and net are so much easier, but I’ve heard quite a few folks do use this method.

6. Let them Roost

Catching chickens on the roost can be one of the easiest methods because they are already confined and less likely to run away. The best time to catch chickens on the roost is at night when they are asleep. It’s best to be quiet when approaching the roost, I’ve seen chickens get down off the roost if they sense a disturbance.

Use a flashlight to locate the chicken you want to catch, being careful not to shine the light directly in its eyes. Slowly approach the chicken and gently grasp it around the body with both hands. Lift the chicken off the roost and hold it securely against your body to prevent it from flapping its wings. This method is particularly useful for catching chickens that are difficult to catch during the day, as they are more docile when they are sleeping.

How to get Chickens back in the Coop

If you’re simply trying to get your chickens back in the coop, there’s another method that I have if I can block off my chickens that are in the pen already. First, block off your other chickens in the pen, then open the chicken coop door and just corral your chicken back inside. Generally, chickens are just trying to get away from you once you’re after them. Most of the time, they are more than happy to go right back in the pen to avoid you.


In conclusion, there are many different methods you can use to catch chickens both inside and outside the pen. Always remember to handle chickens gently and with care to avoid injuring them. By using these techniques, you can catch chickens safely and easily!


Hi, my name is Hunter and I grew up raising farm animals in Central Arkansas. As a kid, I was in the 4H and raised hundreds of chickens. My Dad then got me into bottle-feeding calves and I was hooked! I truly love working with farm animals of all types.

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