Cinnamon Queen or Golden Comet: What’s the Difference?

Have you ever seen a Golden Comet and a Cinnamon Queen and thought they were the same chicken? Well, you’re not alone! Many people look at these two breeds and assume they are identical.

In total, Cinnamon Queens are reddish-brown crosses between a Rhode Island Red Rooster and a Rhode Island White Hen, while Golden Comets are more of a golden-brown cross between a New Hampshire Red Rooster and a White Rock Hen.

In this article, we’ll explore the key similarities and differences between these two breeds. By the end, you’ll be able to distinguish between them and make an informed decision on which breed to choose if you’re considering expanding your flock with one of these breeds!

Origins and Appearance

Cinnamon Queen chickens are a relatively new breed, developed in the 1990s through selective breeding to produce a hardy, high-yielding layer. They are a cross between a Rhode Island Red rooster and a Rhode Island White hen. Their plumage is a beautiful reddish-brown, hence the name “Cinnamon” Queen.

Golden Comet chickens, on the other hand, are a cross between a White Rock hen and a New Hampshire Red rooster. They have a unique golden-brown plumage that gives them their celestial name. These chickens were also introduced in the 1990s, just like the Cinnamon Queens.

If you’re curious about a White Rock hen, check out my article on White Rocks vs White Leghorns!

Egg Production

Both breeds are renowned for their egg-laying abilities.

Cinnamon Queens are great layers, often producing 250-300 large brown eggs per year. They are known to start laying at an early age, sometimes as young as 16 weeks.

Golden Comets are also fantastic layers, laying approximately 250-320 eggs per year. Their eggs are brown and of a similar size to the Cinnamon Queen’s. Golden Comets also start laying early, often by 15-16 weeks.

If you’re looking for some great laying hens, check out my article on the top 15 laying hens!

Temperament and Hardiness

Both Golden Comets and Cinnamon Queens are known for their docile and friendly nature. They are easy to handle, making them a great choice for families with children. They are also hardy birds, tolerating a wide range of climates.

If you’re looking for a good list of friendly chickens, check out my article on the top friendliest chicken breeds!


Both breeds typically live 4-5 years on average.

Golden Comets and Cinnamon Queens are hybrid breeds of chickens that typically have a shorter lifespan, often less than five years, due to a combination of genetic factors and intensive breeding practices.

These hybrids are usually developed by crossing different chicken breeds with specific traits to achieve desired characteristics such as high egg production or fast growth. However, the process of selective breeding can lead to genetic weaknesses and health problems in these hybrid birds. They may be prone to various ailments, including respiratory issues, reproductive disorders, and metabolic imbalances.

Additionally, the rapid growth and high egg production demanded from these hybrids can put a significant strain on their bodies, leading to early physical deterioration and a reduced lifespan.


When it comes to broodiness, both Cinnamon Queen and Golden Comet chickens are typically on the lower end of the spectrum.

Cinnamon Queens are not known for their broodiness, which means they are less likely to sit on their eggs in an attempt to hatch them. This trait can be beneficial for those who are primarily interested in egg production.

Similarly, Golden Comets are also not particularly prone to broodiness. They are more focused on laying eggs than hatching them, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a steady supply of eggs.

If you’re looking for a truly broody breed I would recommend the Buff Orpingtons. Check out my Buff Orpingtons guide for more info!

What Other Chicken Keepers Say About These Breeds

I asked a group of chicken keepers which one of these chickens they prefer and, and got several comments back. I’m going to show them here below.

These are just a few of the comments I got back. Most comments pointed out that both breeds are great layers, while Cinnamon Queens seemed to receive more comments regarding their friendliness.


In conclusion, both the Cinnamon Queen and the Golden Comet make excellent choices for backyard poultry. They are hardy, friendly, and amazing layers. The choice between the two often comes down to personal preference in terms of appearance. Whether you choose the reddish-brown Cinnamon Queen or the golden-hued Golden Comet, you’re sure to enjoy a bounty of eggs and the company of these delightful birds.


Hi, my name is Hunter and I grew up raising farm animals in Central Arkansas. As a kid, I was in the 4H and raised hundreds of chickens. My Dad then got me into bottle-feeding calves and I was hooked! I truly love working with farm animals of all types.

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